Every day accounts payable processors, bookkeepers, controllers, and accounting teams handle millions of transactions. As part of their job they are often asked to review invoices for use tax accruals. But, are they really the right people to understand the impact of making sales tax decisions? Do they really know what to look for? Those who process payables and other bookkeeping matters must balance their workload with the accompanying deadlines. The big question is “Are your accountants” ignoring use tax in order to meet a deadline? Or do they understand what a “use” tax is in the first place?
Learn what “use” tax really means and how it affects every business and every taxpayer
Discover how accountants might prioritize tasks
Learn methods to reduce their workload
Learn to reduce your use tax risk and increase efficiency
Tax Ops, LLC
State and Local Tax Partner
[email protected]
Judy Vorndran leads the state and local tax (SALT) practice at TaxOps, helping clients navigate the morass of SALT issues with the goal of making it less “Taxing!”. She is a recognized thought leader and award-winning instructor to clients and tax professionals alike with a steady focus on finding ways to simplify complex SALT issues and areas of state tax controversy. Judy monitors the legislative, judicial, and regulatory tax landscape to assess the tax impact on businesses, and has helped successfully change the laws in a number of states and jurisdictions. Previously, Judy was the first National Tax Resource at a Top 100 CPA Firm, where she launched the firm’s SALT practice. She also spent 14 years exclusively focusing on SALT at PwC and Deloitte, extensively traveling the U.S. helping clients implement best practices and reduce SALT risks.