Cryptocurrencies have gained significant attention in recent years as a result of skyrocketing increases in their value. In fact, cryptocurrency-related tax liabilities are at estimated to be $25 billion as a result of $92 billion of taxable gains for U.S. cryptocurrency investors during 2017 alone. Despite the prevalence of cryptocurrency, surprisingly few investors understand the taxation of, and reporting standards for cryptocurrency. Not surprisingly, this noncompliance has piqued the interest of the IRS, the U.S. Department of Justice, and numerous other federal agencies.
This webinar will address key tax aspects of cryptocurrency with which all tax professionals should be familiar, and offer practical strategies for remedying historical noncompliance to limit the likelihood of tax penalties. This webinar is a must-attend for all practitioners.
McCarter & English, LLP
Lawrence (“Larry”) Sannicandro is an associate in the Tax, Employee Benefits & Private Clients Practice Group who concentrates his practice on tax controversy and tax planning matters. He represents businesses, estates, trusts, and individuals at all stages of tax controversies, including in audits, before the IRS Office of Appeals, and in litigation before the United States Tax Court, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, the U.S. District Courts, and the U.S. Courts of Appeals.