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7ways irssolutions


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateMarch 19, 2018
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Series: Taxes
Course Description

Does this sound familiar?
A client walks into your office and blames you (rather irrationally) for getting multiple letters from the IRS. They want you to drop everything (now) to focus on them and their IRS issues immediately. Sounds like a really bad day and unfortunately we have all been there. We stop what we are doing for our other clients to spend valuable time sitting on hold with the IRS. Potentially, this could also lead to having a dissatisfied client leave your tax firm.
This scenario makes us, our team and our clients frustrated, but it doesn't have to go down this way.
The good news is, you don’t have to deal with the IRS alone. By spending a few minutes on this webinar, you will:

  • Learn how to turn IRS risks into instant revenue

  • Quickly access notice responses and transcripts in minutes, not hours

  • Get one-on-one live Case Assistance (talk to a human about your questions)

  • Have all the answers from IRS insiders at your fingertips

We created this webinar specifically for issues that tax professionals have to deal with so that you can save time, make more money and make your life easier!

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David Stone

IRS Solutions
Founder & President
[email protected]


David Stone, is the founder and president of IRS Solutions, a company that trains other accountants in dealing with IRS-client issues. Having graduated from Cal State Northridge (a.k.a. Harvard of the West) he is also the Bestselling author of “Tax Breaks of the Rich and Famous”. While David was still in college, he was handpicked as a Revenue Officer for the IRS. Aware this was to be temporary, David volunteered for jobs others did not want to do; including working the lien desk and becoming an Offer in Compromise (OIC) specialist. Before leaving the IRS to assist taxpayers in IRS dealings, David trained almost 100 new Revenue Officers. After switching sides, David founded IRS Solutions to assist taxpayers in resolving their IRS-related issues. He quickly realized two major gaps: 1) There were no tools to assist in making his job easier and 2) other accountants continually asked for assistance or referred cases. David created a system that incorporated the necessary tools to streamline IRS-client dealings. As time went on, he decided to share his knowledge and tools with other accountants. He did so through IRS Solutions.

About Our Presenter

After 12 years doing all the jobs at the IRS that no one else wanted, including working the offer in compromise desk, and training Revenue Officers, David Stone was tired of watching taxpayers getting taken advantage of by the IRS. David decided to switch sides and start helping train taxpayers how to deal with the IRS. Soon he found that his best referral source was other accountants and attorneys. He realized then that accountants do a great job helping their clients prepare the financial statements, and tax returns, but they were never taught how to deal with the IRS. The second issue was how to be profitable when dealing with the unknown. Can you train someone else to help you? David hired Drew Foster. He was not an accountant, but had a background in finance and banking. With no tax experience Drew was able to become an Enrolled Agent in a couple years. He now helps clients deal with IRS collections issues and audits. Seeing how inefficient the current software being used was, they quickly realized how much time was being wasted.